Rose Racer - Update 1

Since Rose Racer has been Greenlit on Steam we have been hard at work getting the game ready to be published. We now want to share some details of what we have been working on.

We are planning on doing a Steam Early Access release for Rose Racer. We want to utilize Early Access because it will allow us to get feedback from players on the game's Modes and content as we're making the game. There is so much content to make for the game, we want to be able to get feedback as we're making it, so the game is the best it can be. Also, because of Rose Racer being a local multiplayer game at its core, we want to have players playing the game all throughout development, so we can have a lot of player feedback; much more then we could do by ourselves.

But before we launch on Early Access we want to have each Mode of the game implemented in some form; including an example of Story Mode, a Time Trial Mode, Versus Mode, and an exciting Battle Mode! We already have an example of the game's Story Mode implemented, and Time Trial Mode is (mostly) in the game, but we still have work to do on Versus and the Battle Mode.

Creating new modes for Rose Racer involves a lot of programming, and right now most of our time allotted each week for programming is tied up on other projects. This should change in another couple weeks, and then we'll be able to finish putting in the Versus and Battle Modes before we launch.

In the meantime, we are making tons of progress on the content for Rose Racer, which includes new race tracks and new playable characters. The biggest piece of content we've been working on is a new track called "The Backyard". Here are some screenshots of how it looks:

There's still a lot to do before we can launch on Early Access, but we're making our way there! Right now we're looking at an Early Access launch sometime in April 2017. This could change, but we feel confident that by then we can have the game's Modes implemented and have a good amount of content for players to play. Then after release, and throughout Early Access, we'll be steadily adding more content, more features, and applying player feedback to the game's Modes.

We will post updates when we are closer to our anticipated launch date. We can't wait to get the game out there for everyone to play, and we will keep everyone updated on our progress! :)